пятница, 7 октября 2011 г.

Brick House Design in Netherlands

Brick House Design in Netherlands
Located at the Netherlands Germany border in Overijssel, this brick house design by architect Cino Zucchi is two-faced – but in a good way. This modern home’s front facade boasts dark gray-brown bricks, while the rear facade is clad in aluminum siding. The architect’s affection for asymmetry is apparent in this unusual modern design, which balances various cube-shaped volumes unevenly, and quite beautifully. The ground floor houses functional and social spaces – the kitchen, dining room, living spaces, a television room and a study. A set of clean-lined stairs leads up the tower, which boasts an interior height of 3.7 meters.

Brick House Design in Netherlands
Brick House Design in Netherlands
Brick House Design in Netherlands

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