среда, 26 октября 2011 г.

Interior Design Barin Sky Resort by Ryra Studio

Designed by RYRA Studio, the extraordinary and inventive architectural ski resort: the Barin Sky Resort near Shemshak, Iran. The resort aimed to be a unique dialogue between nature and architecture. The Igloo-like structure features skylights for a naturally lit atmosphere. The inspiration came from the snow-covered landscape of the surroundings and the fluid lines of the mountains. Every room of the resort conveys a sense of glacial design: the walls and custom furniture merge in a contemporary interior design. Undulating lines forming layers are accentuated by pure white walls and furnishings. Here and there, splashes of colour create a stylish interior design, continued on the outside with a beehive inspired facade. The dome-like structure of each room creates a stunning impression, while the layered walls remind skiers of the joy and fun waiting for them outside.

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