вторник, 25 октября 2011 г.

Interior Room Design Imaginarte Creative Pigsty

Drawing inspiration from the beauty of the pig, Imaginarte offers a space for creative people to generate big ideas. Located within the offices of this Communication Agency, the space brings together all you need to ensure a flood of creative ideas. The set up was conceived to enhance teamwork. In order to remove all those barriers to communication, there is not a single desk in sight. Instead, Warren (a sculptured pig) presides over this evocative room, with its LED lighting.

The upholstery was designed exclusively for use in this pigsty and shows Warhol-style ham textures. In similar style are the chrome-plated aluminium light fittings and of course, the highly-original sliding door, with its remote control, in the form of a huge pink snout, all in an effort to honour Warren’s fine looks. Even he seems to have understood that this is an area to promote communication, judging by the size of the Oink Oink, seen on the wall.

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